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Our Angel Baby

Hey Loves  My mind is continually blown by the encouragement and support on the blogs, the comments and messages I receive truly give me the reassurance that God is using me in a way I do not fully understand but I am simply grateful to be used in any way he sees fit, I will forever avail myself to him to draw his people in to a deeper and closer relationship with him. This blog today is written behind a heart that his heavy and filled with grief and hope all at the same time, a mind that is sold out for Christ but filled with a thousand why’s? with my eyes that are overflowing with tears of sadness, yet a spirit that is willing and fully persuaded to endure all that God has called me to. As I was in the process of writing the blog ‘Love after loss’ thinking in my mind it was to help everyone else, I did not know it would too be relevant to me once again, funny enough I read the blog to myself about Three times since publishing it which was rare for me. As I wrote and published the...

First Blog - A little Intro

So this is where it begins, first I will start by telling you about me.
I am a mother of 4, I have never known what it is like to have 1 child loool, my first pregnancy I was 17, one week after my 18th I gave birth to my beautiful twins, 17 months later I had my amazing son, 22 months later I had a little girl an angel (woooooow) right, even I still get shocked, my children were never in MY plans, but they are here, and I will get to that a little later.
I am a wife to an amazing, inspirational, loving, supportive, God fearing man, this man is my rock, my high school sweet heart, we have been together 10 years, and we have been through it all. We have been married for 4 months now (time flies). I am a student, getting ready to study psychology/ counselling, and I’m also an Avon rep, one of my passions is singing, so I sing in the choir at my church. In between all of this... I’m Jenna. I often forget that, which I’m sure a lot of mothers and wives can relate. Being a wife and a mother is not easy, it’s one of the hardest jobs EVER...... especially as we do not go through any form of training, nor does it come with a manual. Our jobs as mothers alone seem impossible; we have to find time to... Cook, Clean, Bath and Dress the kids and ourselves, Do our food shopping, Homework, school run etc I can go on forever, But then some of us have to balance being a wife, after spending your whole day doing the mummy thing you just want to sleep right????? But now it’s time for you and your spouse to have some quality time, hours go by and by this time I bet your bed is singing your name (loool). I don’t know about you but I often struggle to sleep if I know I haven’t met with the number 1 person in my life, my king, my perfectness...Jesus. Imagine everything I’ve just listed is only half your day, half your chores, half your responsibilities and you still need to find time to be you (seems merely impossible).
Well ladies I’m here to tell you it’s possible, if I as 23 year old mother of 4, wife and all the above can do it, then Mama so can you. This is my blog, my  journal, my diary, my manual, my life , that I want to share with you, in hope that I can help and support the women out there who are struggling, who can’t see the light through the trees. Who doubt their abilities to be who God ordained them to be. Please understand I am not perfect and I am not fully there yet (wherever there maybe) but im a lot further than I was, I’m on my journey and it’s a lot easier when you’re not alone.
Sometimes we want to give up, sometimes we want to run, scream, cry, and hide. We feel like we just can’t take no more. But we owe it to ourselves to feed on God’s word, on his promises for us. He does not give us more than we can bare, so even though we say we cannot bare it anymore, that our flesh ready to give up, at this point you need to call on your spirit man to fight past that obstacle. Remember the enemy will always use your blessings and disguise them as your burdens when you’re not in your right place. God obviously trusted you with your children for a reason, your child did not ask for you, nor did you get to choose your child, but God gave the perfect child to the perfect mother as God knew only that mother has what it is the child needs in order to become who God has destined for him/her to be.
God created you in a specific way, with a special talent, an amazing gift, that only YOU have to be the mother your child needs. Take the time to think about it....... what is your special talent? What is your amazing gift? That you can use to help your child towards their destiny.
Here’s a little challenge.....Take your time, when you have a quiet moment to reflect and think/meditate on these few question. If you want to share them with me then great please feel free to share them in the comments or email etc, if not that is ok, but be sure to reflect on them.  I will be taking part in this also, and will share my personal thoughts during my time of reflection in my next blog.
Why did God choose you to be a mother?
What is your purpose as mother?
What is your role?
Lastly and most important is ..........DO YOU TRUST HIM??
 P.S I hope that my blogs get the desired effect, as I strongly feel I’m moving as the holy spirit leads,  God has me moving in my ministry so I will, trust and obey, If you find my blogs helpful please share, there is never enough support for young women, wives and mothers. My blogs will consist of more than just being a mum but, being a young lady, recipes, tips, and general chit chats etc. Please look out for my next blog real soon.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Stay blessed......



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